Rajouri, – Compassion Animal Welfare Organization, a renowned non-profit dedicated to the protection and well-being of animals, exhibited their commitment to their mission once again by promptly responding to a distress call and rescuing an injured horse with a broken leg at the bus stand in Rajouri. The call for help was initiated by prominent media figures, Sh. Ankit Kesar and Liyaqat Chowdhary, who were quick to bring attention to the animal in need.
Upon receiving the distress call, the team at Compassion Animal Welfare Organization swiftly coordinated their efforts and dispatched their experienced animal activist, Sajad Bhat, to the location. Sajad Bhat, along with a specialized medical team from the Animal Husbandry Department, arrived at the scene without delay, showcasing the organization’s dedication to providing immediate and effective aid to animals in crisis.
The injured horse was assessed on-site by the medical team, who determined that it had sustained a severe leg injury. With compassion and professionalism, the team administered necessary medical treatment, alleviating the animal’s pain and ensuring its stabilization. The on-site treatment not only reflected the organization’s expertise in animal care but also highlighted their ability to respond promptly to emergency situations.
Compassion Animal Welfare Organization extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Municipality of Rajouri for their invaluable support and cooperation during this rescue mission. The swift response and collaboration of the Municipality played a pivotal role in ensuring that the injured horse received timely assistance. sajad Bhat also thanked the Chief animal husbadary officer sh. Khalid majed khan and his team for their help and support in way of technical staff and medicines.
The organization acknowledges the instrumental role played by media personalities, media persons in bringing attention to the distressed animal’s plight. Their quick action in notifying the organization paved the way for the successful rescue and treatment of the injured horse.
Compassion Animal Welfare Organization remains committed to its mission of safeguarding animals’ welfare and ensuring their protection from harm. The organization’s ability to mobilize resources, collaborate with local authorities, and provide skilled medical intervention in critical moments is a testament to their dedication to the cause.
Author: therajouritimes
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