Counseling cell a unit of the directorate of school education Jammu has excelled in the one year of its existence under the guidance of the Sajad Bhat district counselor Rajoiuri, the counseling has created a big space in the education department in the last one year.
Team Sajad is comprised of the 15 zonal coordinators and faculty counselors at the school level. its pertinent to mention here that the counseling cell was being run by DIET Rajouri in past few years but was not known to any of the schools in the district but when in 2022 the divisional level team showed faith in the sajad bhat and was assigned the charge of the district the cell excelled at all levels.
In brief, Mr sajad bhat a master by designation, is PG in Psychology, PG Human rights, and PG in computer science besides Bed and gold medalist in Public relation. he was the pioneer of the SSA in Rajouri in 2003 along with the four team members where he has also shown an excellent part of the job. In last one year sajad Bhat while working as the District counselor have shown a big hike in the Anti drug activities, skill development, and counseling activities.He has been
awarded the corona warrior award by DSEJ, the Gandhi Peace Award and also golden peacock award beside several appreciation awards from zones of the district.
Author: therajouritimes
lakkar mandi janipur jammu