Damandeep Singh is an accomplished young and seasoned professional who hails from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh who is creating new standards for India in the area of online marketing! With his well-established talent and outstanding leadership skills, Damandeep has currently shown his skills as one of the most popular founders, who is a tireless member of his team to propel his business Traffic Tail to great heights. Damandeep Singh’s Traffic Tail is a company that offers 360-degree digital marketing services to entrepreneurs as well as businesses.
It is due to Damandeep Singh‘s knowledge of the growth of businesses and knowledge of the field of digital marketing the company he runs, Traffic Tail, has created employment opportunities for a lot of youngsters in the nation. Damandeep began his career as a Digital Marketing Coach, in which he has helped more than 1,000 youngsters to find work. Damandeep is now providing a company with a new direction which has more than 50 expert employees who are available 24/7.
What was the way Damandeep begin his career? Learn.
In reality, Damandeep has always been an engineering student. He earned an engineering course in Uttar Pradesh after which Damandeep moved to Delhi to steer his career. Thanks to his dedication and determination to work his recognition was granted as an expert in digital marketing in one of the institutions in Delhi within the city. The reason for this is thought that this unique recognition of his institution is in part due to his expertise. He has produced more than 1000 young people competent in digital marketing who are employed in high-level places in major companies today. This passion and dedication to digital marketing have resulted in students being employed in well-known companies such as HubSpot, Accenture, and TCS. If you look at his personality and you will find that He is a serious and committed person. When you interact with them, you can sense their excitement to move the company forward and encourage the young. Their students of his say that they do not feel like they are a teacher when they work with him. He guides them the way a friend would.
What was the process of establishing Traffic Tail established?
In the time of Corona Damandeep was a witness when Damandeep observed that in the epidemic of Kovid-19, individuals are not in a position to communicate with the government and get their points in the face of the government, despite the huge demand for important services, he thought that he should make a difference. In the course of this, he also noticed that a lot of startups are having difficulties in making use of digital media platforms because of a lack of technological knowledge. He decided to assist the most in need because he believed that his expertise and experience will give him a fresh direction. Traffic Tail is popular with the tag best digital marketing agency in delhi.
Following this, he founded Traffic Tail which in a couple of years made history in the industry by finishing over 2000 tasks. Damandeep has created a unique brand in the field because of his extensive experience and understanding of Digital Marketing, Social Media, and SEO. He has worked on projects in various fields like the music industry and medicine, real estate food, small business or NGO, etc.
In contrast to other businessmen, Damandeep knows that if he is going to be a success in the business world Damandeep has to offer top-quality services. This is why they strive to provide the highest quality in cost. Their outstanding customer service and dedication to investing in companies in the early stages have proved that even an average Indian can be successful.
Setting up 7k Network
Damandeep Singh has created a 7k Network to provide a new direction for journalism. 7k Network provides digital journalism each and every service for journalists which includes the creation of news portals, as well as signing up and money-making strategies. 7k Network works exclusively for journalists and focuses on offering 360-degree solutions. Through 7k Network journalists can take advantage of the news portal development, their registration graphic design, and advertising on social networks.
Damandeep Singh has created a niche of his own in the field of digital marketing due to his love of providing highly professional digital marketing. They currently have an effective team of professionals working both days and nights to achieve their goals in addition to assisting clients.
Author: therajouritimes
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